Single finger which wipes out tears during our failure is much better then the ten fingers which come together to clap for our victory....."Y.S.CHOHAN
The greatest mistake we humans make in our relationships;
' we listen half, understand quarter,think zero and react double......' Mathpati Mumbai.
The world is so full of wonderful things,we should all if we were taught to appreciate it,be far richer then king....Agyaat.
' विश्वास' एक छोटा सा शब्द है,जिसके मायने समझो तो बहुत सारे हैं.किन्तु मुश्किल ये है कि लोगों को विश्वास पर शक है और अपने शक पर उन्हें विश्वास है.. नरेश अवश्थी .भोपाल.
जिन्दगी में सच्चे दोस्त की तलाश न करो. खुद किसी के सच्चे दोस्त बन जाओ.तुमसे मिलकर शायद किसी की 'तलाश' पूरी हो जाए.जैसे हमारी तलाश पूरी हुई आपको पाकर...जे.एम्.प्रजापति.गुजरात.
Just small difference between 'liking' and ' loving'
Liking;-Don't worry dear, take care.
loving;-Don't worry dear,I will take care......Ganesh Mathpati...Mumbai.
True relations have the most unique character like salt ;-Their presence is never remembered.But their absence makes all the things tasteless.........YSC.Indore.
जो रहते हैं दिल में , वो जुदा नहीं होते.
कुछ एहसास लफ़्ज़ों में बयाँ नहीं होते..
एक हसरत है कि आपको सताएं,क्योंकि ,
एक आप ही तो हैं जो कभी खफा नहीं होते.. योगेश सतना.
नफरत हो जाएगी तुमको भी दुनिया से,ऐ दोस्त ! किसी से वेशुमार मुहब्बत करके तो देख! नरेश...भोपाल.
Greatest mistake we human make in our relationships;-
We listen half, Understand quarter, think zero and react double...Mathpati.Mumbai.
The world is so full of wonderful things we should all,if we ware taught to appreciate it, be far richer than kings. 09869289191
If you think positively,then Sound becomesMusic,Movement becomes Dance,smile become laughter,Mind becomes Meditation and whole life becomes celebration..Ketkar.
Pure heart is the greatest temple in the world , don't belive the smiling face but belive the smiling heart..Mathpati.
जब हम एक ख़ुशी के लिए बार-बार हंस नहीं सकते तो एक गम के लिए बार-बार क्यों रोते रहें? राजेश तिवारी, इंदौर .
A 'Beautiful Day' is waiting for you.Walks with Aims,Run with confidence,Fly your achievement,so get up make a beautiful life.Ashok Tiwari Pnna.
All fingers are not same in length,but when they bend,all stand equal .Life becomes very easy when we bend and adjust to situations. N.C Upadhyay,Bhopal.
Two thoughts decide the progress in life-The way you manage when you have nothing in hand and the way you behave when ,you have every thing in your hand. Naresh awasthi,Bhopal.
If you want to enjoy, always think life is so long...But if you want to achieve some thing,always think life is very short....!Naresh Tandan,
Life is all about three things.1-winning,2-losing,3-sharing,
winning;-others heart,Losing;-bad things,Sharing;-happy moments,thats a life....Mathpati,Mumbai.
Its good to sit alone for at least some time every day ..But when you sit alone ,don't sit with your past..Sit alone to dream your future...Mathpati.
The greatest mistake we humans make in our relationships;
' we listen half, understand quarter,think zero and react double......' Mathpati Mumbai.
The world is so full of wonderful things,we should all if we were taught to appreciate it,be far richer then king....Agyaat.
' विश्वास' एक छोटा सा शब्द है,जिसके मायने समझो तो बहुत सारे हैं.किन्तु मुश्किल ये है कि लोगों को विश्वास पर शक है और अपने शक पर उन्हें विश्वास है.. नरेश अवश्थी .भोपाल.
जिन्दगी में सच्चे दोस्त की तलाश न करो. खुद किसी के सच्चे दोस्त बन जाओ.तुमसे मिलकर शायद किसी की 'तलाश' पूरी हो जाए.जैसे हमारी तलाश पूरी हुई आपको पाकर...जे.एम्.प्रजापति.गुजरात.
Just small difference between 'liking' and ' loving'
Liking;-Don't worry dear, take care.
loving;-Don't worry dear,I will take care......Ganesh Mathpati...Mumbai.
True relations have the most unique character like salt ;-Their presence is never remembered.But their absence makes all the things tasteless.........YSC.Indore.
जो रहते हैं दिल में , वो जुदा नहीं होते.
कुछ एहसास लफ़्ज़ों में बयाँ नहीं होते..
एक हसरत है कि आपको सताएं,क्योंकि ,
एक आप ही तो हैं जो कभी खफा नहीं होते.. योगेश सतना.
नफरत हो जाएगी तुमको भी दुनिया से,ऐ दोस्त ! किसी से वेशुमार मुहब्बत करके तो देख! नरेश...भोपाल.
Greatest mistake we human make in our relationships;-
We listen half, Understand quarter, think zero and react double...Mathpati.Mumbai.
The world is so full of wonderful things we should all,if we ware taught to appreciate it, be far richer than kings. 09869289191
If you think positively,then Sound becomesMusic,Movement becomes Dance,smile become laughter,Mind becomes Meditation and whole life becomes celebration..Ketkar.
Pure heart is the greatest temple in the world , don't belive the smiling face but belive the smiling heart..Mathpati.
जब हम एक ख़ुशी के लिए बार-बार हंस नहीं सकते तो एक गम के लिए बार-बार क्यों रोते रहें? राजेश तिवारी, इंदौर .
A 'Beautiful Day' is waiting for you.Walks with Aims,Run with confidence,Fly your achievement,so get up make a beautiful life.Ashok Tiwari Pnna.
All fingers are not same in length,but when they bend,all stand equal .Life becomes very easy when we bend and adjust to situations. N.C Upadhyay,Bhopal.
Two thoughts decide the progress in life-The way you manage when you have nothing in hand and the way you behave when ,you have every thing in your hand. Naresh awasthi,Bhopal.
If you want to enjoy, always think life is so long...But if you want to achieve some thing,always think life is very short....!Naresh Tandan,
Life is all about three things.1-winning,2-losing,3-sharing,
winning;-others heart,Losing;-bad things,Sharing;-happy moments,thats a life....Mathpati,Mumbai.
Its good to sit alone for at least some time every day ..But when you sit alone ,don't sit with your past..Sit alone to dream your future...Mathpati.
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