शनिवार, 31 मार्च 2012

Some valueable sms.

First ,I was dying - to finish my school education and start collage,then I was dying -to finish  collage and start working the Jobs.Then I was dying -to marry and have children.I was dying  for my children  to grow old enough , so  I could go back to work,then I was dying to retire . Now I am dying .......and suddenly I realised Ohh I forgot to live.........Rajesh sharma -general  manager telecomBhopal.

 The Irony of Indian  Education System ?Students those havebeen pass with First Class and get admission to Medical and Engineering schools.Second class students get MBA,LLB to manage the First Class students....Third Class students enter to politics,and ruled out the First and Second  class students....The failures join the underworld and control the politicians and the businessmen....Best of all who did not attend the school ....become  swami /guru and everybody follows them....Vijaykumar.DE MHOW

यदि कभी  किसी राह में चलते हुए आपके  सामने एक भी समस्या न आये  तो समझना कि आप गलत राह पर चले जा रहे हैं.स्वामी विवेकानंद ,मार्फ़त जे एम् प्रजापति -गुजरात.

If you expect the world  to be fair with you  because  you are fair with them,its like expecting a lion not to  eat you because you don't eat the lion ....Mthpati Mumbai.  

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